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Buy us a coffee

Here at Trading the Market, we have always been committed to providing quality educational content on sports trading for free. Now and forever.

However, we have received many messages of support on our Discord server from grateful traders asking if there was a way to acknowledge our hard work in some small way.

So, we decided to set up a Buy me a coffee account. We have a team who are not all professional traders, and any generous donation will go towards building every imaginable tool for you to use for free in your goal of becoming consistently profitable in sports trading. This will help us produce new videos, podcasts, improve and add website tools, and to purchase software and data to aid our research for you.

With your support, we can continue to grow our community and provide valuable insights and strategies for people looking to become pro sports traders of all levels.

We appreciate your support and look forward to continuing to serve our community with valuable insights on trading the sports markets.

The TTM Team.

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